Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Las Vegas was absolutely awesome!!!! All nice and new, clean from what we could see and very hot. Most days were 40 degrees +, very dry heat not sticky like Bris-vegas. The strip was a happening place people everywhere walking from casino to casino, Craig and I only went through half of the casino's. The Bellagio was by far the elite casino and so many people stopping by to see the botanical gardens and watching the fountain show which was brilliant. We went and watched Holly Madison Peepshow (inappropriate I know) but it actually was a really good show, however we saw very little of Holly Madison... bit disappointing. We went through the Grand Canyon by helicopter great experience apart from the motion sickness not sure if the hangover contributed...luckily I wasn't the only one sick there were another couple also. I got to do a bit of shopping YAY was very excited picked up some great bargains and even talked myself out of a Burberry wallet not sure what is wrong with me maybe all those months of savings has made me realise I don't need everything... :-), Craig might not agree with that!!! Well we have arrived in New York 'WOW' bit over whelmed it is so BIG not sure where to start....

The Helicopter we went on

The Grand Canyon

Craig and I when I was feeling all excited

The Bellagio fountain show

Botanical Gardens

New York New York (even has it's own roller coaster)

New York New York on the the left and MGM Grand on the right (the MGM Grand has 5,005 rooms)

The Bellagio

This is the ceiling in the Bellagio foyer

chocolate fountain, I had to walk past this every time going to and from our room looks delicious!

Craig and my signature pose....however

this is a result of what happens when you try to be a ballerina in the Bellagio foyer, think we might just leave the signature pose where there is a soft place to land. My chin looks a lot worse than this very black...would have been hilarious for the spectators

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

We made it...

just....the taxi driver who delivered us to our hotel would not speak, closed his eyes whilst driving and looked like a killer...'seriously', I had my doubts about getting here safe. Los Angeles has been great to see, however a bit of a hole...we are staying in Downtown LA which is not so scenic but hotel is extremely nice. If I were to come again Beverly Hills would be on top of my list then Hollywood. First full day here we saw where the Academy Awards are held, the star strip (took a pic of Alan Jackson's star for Uncle Mick) the homes of the stars (i.e. Orlando Bloom, Chalize Theron)(they live in the area where Sharon Tate was killed by Marilin Manson, the movie of this murder was one of the most horrifying movies I have ever seen), then we went into Beverley Hills and saw the homes of Dr Phil, The Beckhams, Tom Cruise and Katie Homes, Michael Jackson and blah blah blah got quiet boring after a while cos all you could see were lots of high fences and awesome gates. We drove down Rodeo Drive 'THE BEST DRIVE IN THE WORLD' and also past the Beverley Hills Whilshire 'PRETTY WOMAN' and the spot where Richard Gere rescues Julia Roberts, then onto Santa Monica and Venice Beach. Santa Monica and Venice Beach lovely place by the seaside and great restaurants although the approach from randoms at the markets started to get to me....Yesterday was Universal Studio's SO MUCH FUN BUT I didn't get to drive down Wisteria Lane as they were filming :-(, I did get to see their trailers, got very burnt and look like a lobster. Ow also had pic's taken with some not so famous people but they have stared on True Blood, Greys Anatomy and CSI. Today was Disneyland absolutely a great place to visit the history and illusions created were amazing shame we couldn't have visited here 20 years earlier ('mum' 'dad'..hehe) a top place for young children, this is probably the best adventure park I have ever been to. The food has been yum but the taxes and tips suck, ROOM SERVICE AWESOME. Tomorrow off to Las Vegas...hopefully will get to post some more pic's as there is a lady wanting to use the computer!!!

Adios Amigo's xxx
The Builtmore


Alan Jackson

Dr Phil's house

Rodeo Drive...my favourite

Santa Monica