Monday, October 18, 2010

ROME definitely wasn't built in a day...

Rome what a great place to visit, the food was D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!!! Italian restaurants in Australia definitely kill pizza and pasta dishes with too much of everything....and the Gelato's SIMPLY THE BEST!

Raphael's tomb

Contiki Crew

the little buses that get around, the streets are so narrow that a normal size bus would not fit

The Vatican "INSANE"!!! not a great look outside the Vatican but we were on holidays!

This place is INSANE!!!! I had self inflicted pain the day we toured through the Vatican so it was a long tour and I probably didn't appreciate it as much as I should have but at least I can tick it off my list of things to do :-)!

not the best look but my poor feet were starting the feel the pain of walking on cobblestones

now Craig and I aren't the best photographers in the world but I have posted most of the photo's we took in the Vatican to show how INSANE this place was and they are a little all over the shop....

the "supposed" guards.....mmmmm they look real scary....

I've probably ruined this 2000 year old rug, I was not supposed to use my flash....whoops...