Monday, October 4, 2010


Venice was definitely an awesome place and a must see. I loved walking through the little ally ways with the hoards of people and looking through the shops, I did however get stopped by a gypsy even after being warned on several occasions to watch out for these guys....

There's Mario.... aaahhhh, besides Mario, going around the canals was really nice and relaxing apart from drinking our sparkling out of the lovely white plastic cups, after a few I really didn't care...

Contiki Crew

Rach, Brian, Penny and Katie babes

Our entertainment

Shell and Dave

I think there might be something added to the coke...

Contiki Crew

Bus ride to out hotel

1 comment:

  1. Yep - I would love to visit here one day (even if I'm 60)- it all looks so romantic ahhhh even with plastic cups haha!!
