Monday, October 18, 2010

The Vatican "INSANE"!!! not a great look outside the Vatican but we were on holidays!

This place is INSANE!!!! I had self inflicted pain the day we toured through the Vatican so it was a long tour and I probably didn't appreciate it as much as I should have but at least I can tick it off my list of things to do :-)!

not the best look but my poor feet were starting the feel the pain of walking on cobblestones

now Craig and I aren't the best photographers in the world but I have posted most of the photo's we took in the Vatican to show how INSANE this place was and they are a little all over the shop....

the "supposed" guards.....mmmmm they look real scary....

I've probably ruined this 2000 year old rug, I was not supposed to use my flash....whoops...

1 comment:

  1. Oh Em, I just love your photos of the vatican! This was one of the places i wanted to visit the most and i was not disappointed!!! I absolutely loved it, I really wish i had more time to explore and take stuff in though, we were really rushed which was a pain, I could have spent hours on my own in St Peters Cathedral without the rest of the place!!! xx
