Monday, March 12, 2012


We recently decided it was time for Jaz to start sleeping in her cot, she probably should have been in there ages ago but the bassinet we have is so cool and on wheels which gave us the option to move her from room to room if Craig needed to be on the computer. As soon as we put Jaz in her cot she relised she had room to move BUT as soon as she rolled over and got tired of being on her belly her cranky pants were straight on. The first morning she did it we heard this almighty scream, I don't think I have ever jumped out of bed and ran to her so fast, it scared the absolute hell out of me. I rolled her back over and went back to bed, according to my time it was not time for her to get up, however Jaz had other ideas. After a few attempts to roll her back over hoping she would go back to sleep it was a no go so I put the precious one in bed with me (dad was getting up for work) and back to sleep she went. When I tried to put her down for her day sleeps it was a pain, she would roll over and scream, so I put in two big pillows each side to stop her from rolling and then would remove them once I knew she was asleep. It was becoming apparent that I needed to find a solution - onto good ole Google (if you don't know the answer, just Google it :-)) and I found these anti roll pillows in a store on the south side. Jaz and I set off the next day and purchased "the solution" which worked for a while. I woke up this morning to find that the solution is no longer, our little wriggle pot has found a way to get out of it, but this time there was no screaming, she finally worked out to put her head to the side - "genius"...hehe
Jaz's sleeping bag is a little gross, she likes to suck on the arms of it......


I had my first day back at the gym yesterday after more than 12months off and boy am I sore!!! I can't believe how much my fitness level has gone down. I thought I'll start with a step class and finish off by doing the pump class afterwards!! It was quite clear within the first 5 minutes of the step class that it was a tad ambitious to try and do 2 classes, I was so exhausted. My step started off with 2 blocks under each side and finished with none. But there was one upside of starting back at the gym, the daycare ladies said Jaz can come back anytime.....hope that lasts :-). When we got home I decided I better do those dreaded sit-ups which Jaz thought was hilarious, either I looked completely stupid or she thought I was playing a game, I'm thinking "completely stupid". I have also started playing netball 2 mornings a week which is great, Jaz gets to play with the other kiddies while mum tries to run around. Running! well I've attempted a couple which were not so good, I think the first run I managed 1km and the second one I ran a bit over 2km. So it seems I have a lot of work to do to get back in the swing of things, but it's a start and it's also nice to have a little bit of normality back into my life!!
Hanging with Alby
clearly I'm a fan of Bonds ;-)