Thursday, August 19, 2010

last blog until we arrive home....

I tried the ballarina pose again with a more softer landing

my husband x

for all booker lovers you must buy one of these, it's a Kindle you can purchase them from You download books from and you can do this where ever you are, it's wireless. The books are a lot cheaper than buying them from a book store plus you save on space at home AND in the handbag.
the view from the Roof Top bar in our hotel, absolutely awesome!!!

Well I'm sad it's all over time to get back to reality :-(, but I guess it also has it's upsides, we get to see our family (including our pooch Jack missed him heaps but from what I hear he has been having a great time with his baby sitters), have our weekly contact with our family and besties in Tasmania and last but not least the Aveo Team or should I say One FKP - see you Monday team!!!!! Also I just got word in it's 28 in Brisbane today YAY hopefully Winter has disappeared!!!!
Over and out from the Doyles xx

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


to the man I call my husband, my best friend and the man who puts a smile on my dial for just being the person he is (I think the picture says it all CHEEKY) HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABE!!!! (Craig did not wake up so well this morning which was a shame as I had organised eggs and extra bacon for breakfast to be delivered to our room as we have been quiet deprived of this luxury breakfast for the last 3 weeks, he is having a restful day in bed)

Also a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Lisa and Sandy on the arrival of 'Edward Alexander Campbell Godfrey' we can't wait to meet him and hope you are doing well.

The Signature Pose...

Disneyland....I loved this place, I definitely recommend it to all parents with young children

Las Vegas the Bellagio

the fatal crash that took part of my chin, every time we walked past this spot, Craig would say "do you want to pick up some of your chin"

the travelling Kiwi and Pom that came to my aid SO EMBARRASSING!!!!

the aftermath

days later....

Washington DC

VENICE so beautiful here apart from Mario smacking one on me (he looked just like Mario from the footy show)

The Colosseum in Ancient Rome

The Vatican

The leaning Tower of Pisa

Somewhere in France....

Napoleon's House - Buckingham Palace is so small compared to this....

Napoleon's Tomb

The Eiffel Tower.....MY FAVOURITE

the world's most craziest round about, ARC DE TRIUMPHE


Ephesus TURKEY

Crete....not a very exciting place, Craig and I stepped off the boat and jumped back on. We had a sleep in and did not go on any excursions at this stop which meant we had to walk into to town, which we thought was all too hard, we learnt later it was only a 15 minute walk...

Santorini THE MOST PICTURESQUE place in the world

Acropolis ATHENS

Monday, August 16, 2010

star jumps will be posted tomorrow.....

Nice, Rhone Valley, the city of LOVE PARIS, Greece and Greek Islands, ah BLISS

Nice is NOICE!!!!!!!!
LOVED Nice, this place is a place everyone should visit very relaxing and very scenic, however I do not recommend the rock beach so hard to get out of the water...

Before viewing this photo I must advise there is nudity....bloody Craig, it is hard to spot though

This is some place in France, I think from memory some Popes lived here at one stage but then they changed the residence of the Pope back to Rome....we stayed at the Chateau de Frontager in the Rhone Valley....

there are paddocks full of sunflowers all over France, very beautiful

Napoleon's House, it was huge!!!

Penny and the Pringle trick, Pringles are everywhere here but we have found it hard to find Salt'n'Vinegar....whats wrong with Europe Salt'n'Vinegar are the BEST!
PARIS my favourite city of all.....
Paris would have to be the most beautiful city in the world. I did not have high expectations of Paris after visiting Rome, but it is a very clean city and full of 'amazing' (I need to find a new word hey...) sites and history. Our Conitki tour guide JB was full of so much knowledge and gave us all an incentive to research more on history. It was quiet embarrassing that we had so little knowledge of the place, I guess, where it really all began. The Eiffel Tower looks pretty dull during the day but at night WOW we could not stop raving about it, it would have to be the top of the list of places to see. I really wish we had more time here but again next time! Think Craig and I will have to do this trip all again. Contiki was a fantastic way to see the major places and sites within a short period of time plus we got an education along the way!!!!! And most of all touring around Europe with some pretty darn awesome people from around the world (although most were from Australia). We had the pleasure of touring Europe with the Frat Boys from Orange County, California, Matt from Cleveland, Ohio, Shannon and Jo from.....somewhere near Washington DC, Laura and Melissa from Canada, Jo and Lee from South Africa, a sweet couple from Malaysia, oh and there were some other Americans who didn't really mix within the group and the rest were from VIC, NSW and WA plus the 2 headed Tasweigens from Brisbane who in the end of the tour had new names Greg and Emma (I know what your all thinking "EMMA" I let it slide...) there were some accents that changed Craig to Greg quiet amusing, one thing I have learnt Australians really kill the english language but we also gave everyone else a education on the Australian language :-) so maybe we do speak proper and the rest of the world just don't know it....or maybe it's just me, I got told even by the Aussie's my accent is strong, think I might enrol on how to speak correctly...
Some of these I have forgotten what they are, need to go back to our notes from JB...

I know this one, it is the Opera House right near the shopping centre

Notre Dame

This is where Napoleon's tomb is

having a glass of sparking on the Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower lit up

The 3 Frat Boys (AV, Brian, Jason), Dave and George at the front with Craig and Cam at the back
Arc de Triomphe - O MY GOODNESS this is one crazy round about, we had such a great bus driver 'Johnny' apparently he is a legend within Contiki and he took on this round about like a professional driver it was hilarious I really thought we were going to crash....

Venus de Milo


outside The Lourve, now this is place is HUGE!!!!!

Last night in Paris

Craig and I boarding our cruise around the Greek Island's

first stop MYKONOS
this place was awesome, really a great place to visit plus it sold Corn on a Cob YUM!!!!

watching the sunset, so beautiful

Kusadasi TURKEY
we visited the ancient city of Ephesus where Mark Antony and Cleopatra once strolled.. also I got really really spoilt here to the point I felt sick after and still do, Craig purchased not 1 but 2 beautiful rings for me. One has black diamonds and the other just diamonds.... they really are gorgeous... but I think there is a myth to his madness, I have one word 'BOAT'....

this rug was hand made by a turkish girl, it took her 5 years to complete and was on sale for the small price of $82K US, it was beautiful even though I'm not really into that kinda thing. Tradition in Turkey are all girls are to weave a rug before they are married...

Not a great deal to do here but still lovely to see, we hired a scooter for 30 euro all we had to do was give them Craigs drivers licence and said we had bike experience which Craig does but I have never rented something like that within a time frame of 5 minutes...crazy. It was a lot of fun but I did have to keep reminding myself they drive on the other side of the road felt weird and my legs hung out more than they would on a road bike so I copped a few prickles...

I think this picture says it all....

Athens is a little dirty way worse than Rome....there are stray dogs and cats EVERYWHERE it freaks me out partically the cats (sorry cat lovers). We visited the Acropolis this morning another amazing site and marble EVERYWHERE

and these are just some other pic's I found on my camera and since I had time and free internet lets posts them cos they cute....