Sunday, August 8, 2010

London, Amsterdam, Germany and the beautiful Switzerland

Loved it here wish we had more time here so much to see. We went through Buckingham Palace which was awesome the detail and art work in this place is amazing definitely worth a look. We had scons and tea in the cafe at the back of the palace, Craig said they were not as good as his nan's though (I don't think anyone will beat Maggies scons as he says it quiet frequently). Went on the London Eye bit boring but one of those things you must do and also went through the London Dungeon which was cool. Checked out Harrods WOW shame we weren't trillionaires married wrongly...kidding babe xx

Buckingham Palace

London Eye

this is such a fun place to visit and no I did not eat space cake or purchase any doobies, however I did see a live sex show actually got quiet boring regular porn is better...hehe!!! Had an absolute ball in Amsterdam this was our first stop on the Conitiki tour.
at the cheese and clogs shop

bike ride in Edam - so much fun so want a bike now just like these ones

Craig relieving himself in the Red Light District
Rhine Valley, Germany - loved Germany really want to come back here

Switzerland...BEAUTIFUL this place is definitely a MUST SEE...once again :-)

all the cows have bells as the the land is so steep and big, like having a BIG cat....


  1. Ive always wondered about those live sex shows, if they are actually very exciting LOL...!! Great photos babe, everywhere looks so great and fun! Oh you so should have orded something from those cafes that sell the "good stuff" lol..! Love you xx

  2. looks great lovely pics and all so so exciting what lucky people you are and as I keep saying keep safe and keep enjoying the journey luv always mum and dad xxxx
