Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Signature Pose...

Disneyland....I loved this place, I definitely recommend it to all parents with young children

Las Vegas Baby....at the Bellagio

the fatal crash that took part of my chin, every time we walked past this spot, Craig would say "do you want to pick up some of your chin"

the travelling Kiwi and Pom that came to my aid SO EMBARRASSING!!!!

the aftermath

days later....

Washington DC

VENICE so beautiful here apart from Mario smacking one on me (he looked just like Mario from the footy show)

The Colosseum in Ancient Rome

The Vatican

The leaning Tower of Pisa

Somewhere in France....

Napoleon's House - Buckingham Palace is so small compared to this....

Napoleon's Tomb

The Eiffel Tower.....MY FAVOURITE

the world's most craziest round about, ARC DE TRIUMPHE


Ephesus TURKEY

Crete....not a very exciting place, Craig and I stepped off the boat and jumped back on. We had a sleep in and did not go on any excursions at this stop which meant we had to walk into to town, which we thought was all too hard, we learnt later it was only a 15 minute walk...

Santorini THE MOST PICTURESQUE place in the world

Acropolis ATHENS

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