The David Letterman Show - I'm not normally a fan of this guy I find him annoying and not funny but being in the audience was awesome and it didn't cost us a cent - BONUS!
The Empire State Building "HUGE"
Macy's "HUGE"!!!
Optimus Prime in Toys"R"Us, this store was "HUGE" it even had it's own Ferris Wheel in the middle of the store. There was also a section dedicated to Barbie, which we didn't look through due to being closing time (11.00pm)...
I was in my element here shopping at the NBC store in my absolute favourite television series "FRIENDS" section, nothing will ever compare to this show IT IS THE BEST!!!!!
The Waldof Astoria
Bloomingdales :-)
This is what Ground Zero looks like today. Visiting this site brought back the sadness and memories of that fatal day. Across the road they have a small museum where they have on display pictures of the twin towers, names of the deceased and details of what they are currently developing on the site. You could also listen to some of the stories of the survivors, the ordeal these people went through was terrifying....
This where is all happens Wall Street
Statue of Liberty
Ellis Island, I got excited seeing this island as it is written about in my favourite book "The Bronze Horseman", well I guess that not entirely correct as it is written in the second book to the The Bronze Horseman - The Bridge to the Holy Cross, MUST READ PEOPLE, I have never read anything else that compares to these books!!!
Our first New York style Pretzel "HUGE"
mmmm it's ok....
PIZZA these were delicious and state the obvious "HUGE"
The two things that we didn't do and it's a must do when you visit New York was try a Chilly Dog ("you can live on it but it tastes like shit") and walk through Central Park :-(, oh well when we come back here they will have to be on top of our list to do's, along with everything else we didn't get an opportunity to do. This is a "HUGE" city that will blow you away....and I'm very thankful that I got to experience it - I LOVE NEW YORK!!!!!
OMG how huge are those pizza slices HAHA i would love to try it also and a pretzel....