Thursday, September 9, 2010

CALIFORNIA HERE WE COME....Downtown LA, Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, Venice Beach and ADAMS BLVD

Craig and I at Brisbane International after 2 hours sleep waiting to board our flight...(I've done this blog back to front...still trying to work out this blogging, anyway this is the start of our trip)

about to land in the concrete jungle....the clouds must have been low this day because as we were descending tops of the moutains appeared

Inside the Builtmore, it really was a lovely hotel...

Room service YUM

on Hollywood Boulevard, I got a little excited seeing the yellow buses


Hollywood, what a great place, fully recommend to stay here if you are wanting to visit LA, although Beverly Hills would be the first preference

Sunset, this is where the rich and famous like to hangout...

can't remember which famous deisgner whose car this was, but apparently he has numerous cars and this was his personal car park outside his store in Rodeo Drive...pity I didn't get a pic of the store, might answer to who it was....

The house Michael Jackson rented

Arnold Schwarzenegger's new home, he hadn't moved in at this stage

Home of the Hilton's - as you can see the tour around the homes of the stars were a lot of high fences and big gates. As we approached Puff Daddy's house his gate was opening but they must have radioed through...."TOURIST ALERT" because the gate stopped and waited for us to drive off...can't blame them must be very annoying...

Venice Beach

the best boulevard!!!!

this is the building they blow up in Independence Day, was right outside our hotel. We watched Independence Day the other night just to see this building and we were pretty sure that the part where the first last is outside the lift at the hotel she is staying at was the hotel we actually stayed at, looked very familiar, they were filming something there while we staying at the hotel. We also came across a couple of movies being made, our first day in Downtown LA they were filming on 6th Avenue...very exciting...

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