Sunday, September 19, 2010

Washington, DC - the bus tour from HELL!!!

The bus tour to Washington will be a tour that we will never forget....

Obama's house

our first sighting of a squirrel, I thought they would be cute but they were like a giant rat with a fluffy tale

Madam Tussauds, Washing DC - Benjamin Franklin

Muhammad Ali

The Kennedy's

Bill and Hillary Clinton

The President of The United States of America, had to pay to have a photo with these guys

Me and Jule's - "BESTIES"

Tom Cruise

Michael Jackson

Tiger Woods

waiting, waiting, finally after 4 hours we got to make our trip back to New York, we arrive at 2.30am :-(. A couple and their 2 young children who were on the tour had their flight back to Singapore at 6.30am, I hope they made it...

wasting time....


  1. Can't believe how many places you guys got to see awesome!!!
    We went to the wax museum in Hong Kong was a fair bit of fun tehe!!

  2. we certaintly saw a bit but I'm really eager to see some more :-). I saw your pics on Hong Kong, how awesome, you guys looked like you had a great time!!!
