Sunday, September 19, 2010


Clearly we didn't have enough time here, but what we did see was great. I could live in London it looked like a great place to settle for a while apart from the weather that would get you down, so dreary...if only my husband wanted to travel.....I'd be off in a jiffy....

St Paul's Cathedral

London Bride

approaching London bridge

Big Ben

someone was a little tired after a 7 hour flight over night from New York

Buckingham Palace - this was fabulous to go through, the paintings and details of the palace were amazing

out the back

I think everyone tourists does this...

Trafalgar Square

This was the largest boat in a bottle, was being displayed in Trafalgar Square for a limited time

London Eye

hhhmmm got a little board...playing solitaire, I know "terrible Muriel", Craig and I weren't the best tourists, we would take a look, take a picture and move along...

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